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Pokemon Type Chart

Pokemon Type Chart

Check Pokemon Type Chart and All Pokémon creatures and their movements are associated with certain types. Each type has several strengths and weaknesses both in attack and defense. In combat, you should Pokémon and moves to use that have some sort advantage over the enemy; It will cause a lot more damage than normal.

A single type advantage (for example, a water attack against a ground Pokémon) you will double normal damage power. also stack the benefits, so that a double type -Vorteil (for example, a water attack against a ground / rock Pokémon) will quadruple damage power. In both these cases the message It’s super effective! in the game after the attack.

Conversely, a single and double type drawback is each half and a quarter of the normal damage plague. Here you see the message, it is not very effective in the game.

How to understand Pokemon Type Chart

Pokemon Type Chart

People who are brand new to Pokemon should be comprehensive, I read here written, but if you just want to learn how the chart then skip down to understand 1111111111111111111- that I typed and read less, although if you not get ahead then you should everything I read written, as that will help a lot more than just skipping ahead as I posted a link to an actuall pokemon x and y chart type and this is the chart you need for directions I use to give you. This blog is about me and me alone, and therefore only my own thoughts is written in my notebook and I used it only as an indication of this copying new pokemon players to help those who want a break took him to those who have not to the chart for along time, are confused on how the pokemon to read kind of map and / or – it takes like four minutes maybe 20 minutes or more to iDK to find out how the pokemon type chart type chart to read that look like this chart from this site: