Here you can get Goosebumps 2 Haunted Halloween Moster list in 2019. Millions of young readers in the 1990s promised the front pages of Goosebump’s books stories about gooey green slime, monsters and boys and girls in big shirts and converse sneakers that had undergone crazy transformations or been sent to the wrong summer camp. But what lay between these cover sheets was mostly Pap, whom RL Stine had pulled out on average a month (a tempo that would make Georges Simenon sweat) with the same addictive formula of sloppy conspiracy, bad parenting, twists, and cliff-hangs. Her protagonists, always 12 years old, are among the darkest and most nervous in the entire children’s literature. They confuse brooms, pets and younger siblings with ghouls and tentacular horror with a regularity that challenges Stine’s understanding of the human sensorium, or at least wonder how testimonies would sound in a process in his world.