List of countries that start with U
There are total 7 countries which start with the letter U.If you are searching for the countries that start with the U than there are some details about that countries.Following are the information.

It is landlocked country and situated in the East Africa.It has snow capped Rwenzori Mountains and immense
Lake Victoria.Its wildlife is very fast and it also has some of the rare birds.Its capital is Kampala and currency is
Ugandan shilling.Its population is 37.5 million in 2013.
It is in the Eastern Europe.It is famous for the forest mountains and black sea and Orthodox churches. Its
capital is Kiev and currency is Ukrainian hryvnia and as about its population than its population is 45.49 million
as of 2013.
It is one of the leading countries nowadays.It is Arabian nation and situated on the Persian
Gulf.It has 7 emirates.Its capital is Abu Dubai and currency is United Arab Emirates Dirham.It has very famous Burj
Khalifa tower.Its population is 9.346 million as of 2013.
It is in the northwestern Europe and it is also known as England and its capital is London. Its currency
is Pound.It is one of the leading countries nowadays and its population is 64.1 million as of 2013.
It is in the North America and consists of 50 states. Its capital is Washington D.C and
currency is Dollar.Its population is 318.9 million and America is the most developed country in the world.
It is a South Amerian country.Its capital is Montevideo and its currency is Uruguayan peso and its population is
3.470 million.
It is a central Asian country.It is famous for its beautiful Mosques, mausoleums.Its capital city is
Tashkent and its currency is Uzbekistani som and its total population as of 2013 are 30.24 million