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LOL Flex Queue Tier List 7.12

League of Legends Flex Queue Tier List is designed to help you pick the Strongest and Best Champions in Flex Queue. Champions that are strong in the Solo Queue LoL Tier List may not be as strong in Flex Queue, Since you as a Solo Queue Player will come across a lot more Pre-Made 5-4 & even 3 Party Enemy Players. This makes Flex Queue a hybrid of sorts Match Making System, The Flex Queue Tier List is a Hybrid Cross between the Solo Queue LoL Tier List & the NA LCS Power Ranking.

Flex Queue Tier List

Since Flex Queue is Both Solo Queue and Ranked Team Queue at the same time this effects the Champion Pick Meta within It. A truly strong Flex Queue Champion Pick is one that is Both Strong in Solo Queue and Competitive Ranked Team environment.


Champion Bans These Champion Picks should almost always be Banned or Played if possible. Highlighted with “Red Text” are the Best Champions In League of Legends in the current patch.
Tank Champions You will find the Best Tank Champions for each role highlighted with “Green Text”. With the exception of Mid Lane and ADC Role both using Utility Picks, which is the closest thing you will get to tank in these roles,
AP Champions Every Team needs a good balance of Attack Damage and Ability Power. Highlighted with “Blue Text” you will find some of the best AP Champions to play in each role. With the exception of Mid Lane where you will be reversed and instead, you will find the Best Attack Damage Champions for the Mid Role.
Carry Champions This is likely what players will find the most success with in Solo/Flex Queue. Highlighted with “Orange Text” The Best Carry Champions for each role, these can range from High Damage Burst to Amazing Duelist and even Assassin’s Picks.
Fun Picks These Fun/Troll Picks highlighted with “Pink Text” border on being viable to downright troll. It’s NOT recommended you play these in Ranked, but they can be very fun to play in normal games.

Champion Names that are BOLD = The Best Champions in that row.
(Example: Shyvana • Rek’Sai • Olaf)

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This Flex Queue Tier List takes an in-depth look at the meta for each Role/Lane, listing many champions that you can use effectively in Ranked and even normal games. Be sure to check out our LoL Tier List for an overall look at the meta of League of Legends.

Summoners Rift Tier List

I thought it would be fun to have a section in the Summoners Rift Tier List that would list champions that are fun to play, these picks can work but are mostly regarded as trolling if used in ranked games. This part of the Summoners Rift Queue Tier List will consist of the meta for each role/lane in a compact list. You will only find the best champions in this Summoners Rift Tier List, weak or otherwise lesser champions will not be listed in this guide.

Tier List Divider


TOP LANE META: BansTank | Hyper Carry

The Top Lane Tier List Meta at the moment tends to range from Hyper Carry Champions like Riven, Jayce and the newest Camille. The other half of the spectrum and what players are most likely to see in competitive play such as NA LCS is the Tank Meta. Top Lane Tier List Tanks like Nautilus and Maokai are among the best with poppy likely standing above them all.

Top Lane Bans PoppyCamilleJayce
Top Lane Tanks MaokaiNautilus • Malphite • Renekton
Top Lane AP Swain • Kennen • Singed • Ekko
Top Lane Carrys Yasuo • Darius • Riven • Trundle • Irelia • Pantheon • Kled • Tryndamere • Fiora
Out-Of-Meta Top Lane Picks Jarvan IV • Tahm Kench

View The Full Best Top Lane Tier List Champions

Top Lane Tier List


Tier List Divider


JUNGLE META: BansTank | Carry | Hybrid

The Jungle Meta is in a really good place at the moment, currently it easily possible for jungle players to carry their team in games. It’s not uncommon to see junglers out level their lane counterparts, and with so many champions in the meta for this role almost you have a lot of choices for counter play. With the fear of losing lane phase this role is becoming more and more popular among players as either a main or most of the time as a off role.

Jungle Bans RengarLee SinHecarimVi
Jungle Tanks Zac • Sejuani • Amumu • Rek’Sai • Olaf
Hybrid Junglers Shaco • Shyvana
Jungle Carrys Graves • Nocturne • IvernEvelynn • Elise • Kha’Zix • Jarvan IV • Kindred
Out-Of-Meta Jungle Picks Twitch • Morgana • Kayle

View The Full Best Jungle Tier List Champions

Jungle Tier List


Tier List Divider


MID LANE META: Bans | Utility | Burst AP Damage

We mentioned above that some roles simply can play tanks, Mid Lane Tier List is one of those roles. So instead the next closest thing to a tank is Utility AP Champions. Since the main function of the tank role is to provide a front line with “Utility” for the team, some AP Champions can accomplish this such as Zilean with his (R) Revive and Karma with her (R-E) Ult. Caution that your team will lack the necessary AP Damage if you opt into playing a Utility Mage.

Mid Lane Bans RyzeViktor
Mid Lane Utility AP Morgana • Zilean • Karma • Lissandra • Malzahar
Mid Lane AD Jayce • Corki • Yasuo
Burst Damage AP Vel’koz • Annie • Brand • LuxCassiopeiaAhri • Leblanc • Syndra • Orianna • Ziggs
Out-Of-Meta Mid Lane Picks N/A

View The Full Best Mid Lane Tier List Champions

Mid Lane Tier List


Tier List Divider


ADC META: Bans | AD Carry

The ADC meta at the moment is in a rough place, with few viable AD Carry champions to choose from there really isn’t much of a meta to work with. Even with so few choices in the LoL for this role you can still find different types to play such as Utility ADC Champions like Ashe and Sivir are among the most well known due to their Utility.

ADC Bans JhinCaitlynVayne
Utility ADC Ashe • Sivir
Hybrid ADC Corki • Ezreal
AD Carry Jinx • Miss Fortune • Draven • Twitch
Out-Of-Meta ADC Picks Kennen

View The Full Best ADC Tier List Champions

ADC Tier List


Tier List Divider


SUPPORT META: BansAP Damage | Utility

The Support Meta for Ranked Flex Queue Tier List and Solo Queue appears to be in favor of Ranged Champions, with Blitzcrank being the exception. Experienced Support players are most likely to play standard picks in the meta such as Thresh, Janna, Morgana. While players who get auto filled on the Support Role, but still want to carry or do damage tend to play Zyra, Brand and even Vel’Koz.

Support Bans Blitzcrank
Support Tanks Nautilus • Braum
Utility Support Janna • Morgana • Thresh • Nami • Sona • Soraka • Karma • Lulu • Bard
AP Damage Support Brand • Zyra • Vel’Koz
Out-Of-Meta Support Picks Sion

View The Full Best Support Tier List Champions

Support Tier List


Solo-Queue-Elo-Boost-(1) Duo Queue with high elo players in Ranked Duo Queue

View Our Regular LoL Tier List!

LoL Tier List

The Flex

Flexible Team Compositions

Champion Flex Pick

Our first LoL Tier List Team Composition is centered around an Important Tactic League of Legends Pro Teams Around the World Use. Champion Flex Picking, Pro LoL Teams will pick a Champion that can be Played In Many Different Roles/Lanes. The enemy Team will not know what Lane or Role that Champion will be used during the early Champion Pick Phase, This gives your Team a Huge advantage while taking away a Strong Champion Pick.
(Note: Only Viable Champions That Can Be Played In More Than One Lane/Role Are Listed Below)


Top Lane




Mid Lane






We hope you enjoy using our Flex Queue Tier List, From everyone at RankedBoost Good Luck on the Summoner Rifts Fields of Justice!

flex-queue-elo-boost Rank up fast and easily in Flex Queue Flex Boost

The post-LOL Flex Queue Tier List 7.12 appeared first on RankedBoost.

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