List of Kang Dong Won upcoming movies 2017
Here you can see a list of Kang Dong Won upcoming movies 2017. Kang Dong Won is a well known South Korean actor.he did lots of movies.He did his first film Too Beautiful to Lie in 2004.Then he did Duelist in 2005, Monday Thursday in 2006, The voice of Murderer in 2007, Hunters in 2010, The X in 2013, The Priests in 2015, Master in 2016.Here is the list of upcoming movies list of 2017.

Kang Dong Won movies 2017
Burning is the South Korean movie starring Kang Dong Won and Yoo Ah-in.It is directed by Lee Chang Dong.Its language is Korean.The film is about a woman who linked with two men one is a rich man and other is a poor