List of Song Joong Ki upcoming movies in 2017
Here you can see a list of Song Joong Ki upcoming movies 2017. Song Joong Ki is a famous South Korean actor.He di lots of dramas and movies.He also won lots of awards like Producer’s Choice Awards in 2011, Best Actor, Best Couple Award in 2012, Most popular Actor in 2016, Best Couple Award in 2016.He also did lots of films like Five Senses of Eros in 2009, Hearty Paws 2 in 2010, Penny Pinchers in 2011, The Grand Heist in 2012, The Werewolf Boy in 2012.Here is the list of the upcoming movie of 2017.

Song Joong Ki upcoming movies 2017
Battleship Island
Battleship Island is a South Korean movie.The movie is about how 400 people in Korea were forced to mine for coal if they want to escape.A man decides to go to Japan to protect his daughter and him also caught into Battleship Island by force.It is directed by Ryoo Seung-Wan.The star cast of the movie is Hwang Jung Min, So Ju Sub, Song Joong Ki, Lee Jun Hyun, Yoon Dae Yul, Kim Soo Ahn.a.